Moving Out
We wish you all the best.
One month minimum requirement
In accorandance with the BC Tenancy Act, you are required to give a miimum of one month's notice before you leave. You are resposible for the hydro and all costs associated with the unit until the end of that month, even if you leave early. If you give notice on July 2nd, the "month's notice" doesn't begin until August 1st.
Close your Nelson Hydro account
You need to call them to book a meter reader to come and read your final hydro reading, they will then procure your final bill within 5 busiess days. At that time you can pay it online or in person or over the phone and they will give you a receipt. Please send us that receipt as final payment in order to get your damage deposit back within 2 weeks of vacating.
Mail forwarding
Please contact Canada Post to have your mail forwarded and change all your addresses of your providers who are mailing you. We do not forward on any leftover mail, it is only returned to the sender.
Cleaning Checklist
We recognize this is a daunting task and we can recommend some professional clearners that can be booked ahead of time to alleviate any stress around this. We have high expectations for cleanliness and are vey upfront about what is expected. This is the cleaning checklist that you agreed to when you started your tenancy with us. Please follow it diligently. You have until 1pm on the last day of your tenancy with us to have this completed, please let us know if you will not be able to make this deadline.
Damage deposit
We will return your damage deposit to you by etransfer within 2 weeks of the end of your tenancy with us as long as the guidlines and and timeline mentioned above are adhered to.